Building Positive Routines that Work for You


VIP Contributor
If you're having trouble staying on track with your goals, it might be helpful to think about building positive routines. A routine is a series of activities that you do repeatedly throughout the day. It's similar to a recipe, but instead of following exact steps, you're building habits by doing certain things over and over again.

Routines increase effectiveness by helping us to automate behaviors we want to happen more often. For example, when you buy your morning coffee from your favorite coffee shop, it becomes a routine — you know where to go and how much money to spend so that you can have your favorite drink in hand as soon as possible.The key to making a routine work is to make sure that it works for you.

Here's how:

1. Choose a morning routine that works for your schedule. If you have a lot of morning meetings, try to get up and start the day right away. If you have early morning classes or don't want to get up too early, then try something else.

2. Make sure your morning routine isn't just a bunch of random tasks like brushing your teeth and showering. You need to have some kind of structure in place so that you know what needs to be done and when. In other words, don't just do everything in chronological order; make sure it's logical. For example, if you're going out for breakfast with friends on Sunday mornings and it takes 30 minutes for them to get ready, then maybe try doing something else during that time period (like cleaning your room). That way, every day will still be different but not as chaotic as having two separate routines would be.


VIP Contributor
The key to a good routine is to find something that works for you. If you can’t find your routine, then it’s not a good one.

I have a bad habit of getting up at 6:00 a.m., even on weekends and holidays.

I also have a habit of pressing my phone before falling asleep at night, which means that I get about 5-6 hours sleep each night and wake up feeling groggy and tired sometimes.

If all else fails, there are some things that work for me in terms of routines:

Exercise: I like to exercise every morning before work (although this is sometimes hard to fit into my busy schedule). It makes me feel better physically, mentally and emotionally (if you don’t believe me, try working out without music or motivation).

Meditation: Meditation is another thing that really works for me because it helps me calm down after exercising and helps me focus on my goals during the day when I am working on them (rather than just thinking about them).