Business myth you shouldn't believe

King bell

VIP Contributor
There are many business myths that circulate around the internet, but these are myths you should avoid following. These falsities will make you lazy, give up before even trying, and waste your time. They are designed to make it seem like there are a bunch of easy ways to become rich or successful. Even worse, some people can get deceived by these myths without realizing what they're actually doing to themselves. So if you want to be the person who does things the right way and succeeds in life without fail, then this list is for you:

1) Making money on the Internet is easy
The truth is that making money online takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Most people do not get rich by just playing games, commenting on videos, or watching videos. If making money on the internet was easy and simple, then everybody could do it. However, there are only a few select individuals in the world whose lives transformed through working online. Even then, it took them years to make a lot of money online. So if you want to start making income from the internet today without fail, then be prepared for a lot of work and dedication that may not pay off in the end.

2) People who have money are just lucky
The truth is that people who have become wealthy did so because they worked hard to earn their money. They looked for ways to put themselves in a position to succeed. And now they reap the rewards of their labor. But it is also true that people who are extremely wealthy simply worked harder than others to earn their money. They didn't just sit back and wait for something good to happen. So if you want to earn more money, then you will have to be willing to put in at least as much work as those who are already making a lot of money.

3) Self-promotion is bad and will make you look terrible
The truth is that most people who achieve success promote themselves and their products or services. When someone becomes successful, they usually have one thing in common: self-promotion. They branded themselves, their business, and promoted the products or services they wanted to sell. Getting up and going after something you want is the first step to achieving your goals. So if you want a promotion at work, a raise in salary, more customers for your product or service, or anything else that will change your life for the better, then self-promotion is absolutely essential.

4) Networking is inefficient
The truth is that networking does not have to be boring at all. It can actually be fun and productive at the same time.