Busting Myths: Dos & Don’ts Of Using Lemon On Your Skin


Lemon is one of the most popular ingredients to use on your skin. It's great for brightening, cleansing and hydrating.There are a couple of points you should be aware of !

Myth #1: Lemon is an antiseptic

While lemon juice does have some antibacterial properties, there's no scientific evidence that it can effectively kill germs like bacteria or viruses. This is because it doesn't kill them directly; instead, it just makes them more susceptible to other treatments like soap and water that do kill them.

Myth #2: Lemon juice contains vitamin C

This isn't true either. While lemon juice does contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid), it also contains natural sugars that can cause allergic reactions in some people. If you're going to use lemon juice on your skin, make sure you're not allergic to it first!

Myth #3: You can use lemon juice as a mouthwash

This one might be true if you want to use the juice as a replacement for toothpaste in your mouth, but again… no scientific evidence supports this claim either!