Can i Pay Off My Credit Card Completely Monthly?

Tundi Mick

Paying off your credit card balance in full every month? Short answer, yes. Long answer, also yes. Some people think that keeping a balance on your credit card from month to month will help your credit score, but it won't. You'll just end up paying more interest.

You don't need to have a balanced than a month to raise your score. The average consumer has about one thousand dollars of debt per credit card according to Credit Karma's latest data. at the average APR around 15 percent you're looking at a hundred and fifty dollars per year just interests.

Paying off credit cards on time will go to positive credit history and paying them in full for will save you money. Remember, the important thing is having a card in good standing and making a few purchases a month will keep it active and help you build credit but you don't need to carry a balance to do that.

This is the main purpose of good credit is to save you money if you're spending to raise your score it's just counterproductive. So avoid carrying a balance and you can have all the benefits of having a credit card without ever having to pay interest.
thank you for sharing this information about the credit card. many people think not paying credit card bill will not affect their credit score. this information will help that person.