Can money really buy happines??


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This hsve been something I hsve been hearing for a long time and I hsve decided to ask opinions about it is it possible that money can buy happiness??

Money is s means of exchange which we use in our every day life money makes the world rotate with out money we will become ridicule and neglected on this earth money makes people popular and respected.

Happiness is a good feeling that comes from within which happens when something exciting happens to a person now it is said that money can buy happiness is that true can you be happy with just money??
The question of whether money can buy happiness is one that has been discussed by several people and in many articles and researches. One thing that many people have concluded is that money is an essential material on this earth. You need it to buy most things that are very essential to life.

You need money in order to afford some basic needs such as food, shelter and clothing. Which you actually cannot do without. You also need money to afford some things such as a good education and to gain skills that will enable you to earn better income and afford a better living.

Having these essential things in life gives you so much comfort in terms of having a great mental and physical health. But that does not guarantee that you will have happiness. Happiness is a whole different thing that comes from inner peace, having a great social group and being in harmony with your spirit.

Therefore, as you strive to make money, you should not place all your happiness in having it. You need to balance your money making with other important things in life such as being with your family, friends and doing things that you enjoy yourself.
I know that happiness comes natural, their are people that has the money today, but happiness is lacking from those kind of people. What I truly mean is that, money can't buy you complete happiness when you aren't happy already with yourself. If you're earning money illegally, you'll come to regret it one day, because such kind of money has negative effects in the future, those who took advantage of to earn the money, will never wish you well, they'll pray you never see to enjoy their money to make lasting progress with it.

To an extent, money brings happiness in an individual's life, if you're facing several challenges that has to do with money, she you don't meet up with having money, you'll never feel happy, because the challenges will be eating up your mind. But when the money is there you'll solve the need without thinking about it. That's why I said to an extent. Happiness comes natural, when you make money in a legal means, definitely you'll enjoy long time happiness, because you earned it legally, and you're happy making that money that way, and love what you're doing too. I love money, that's why I'm always active online earning and learning at same time.
People who have more money are not necessarily happier lives when compared to people who have a limited amount of money. If you have a lot of money you can buy a last model Lamborghini car and you will be happy for a moment, not happiness. On the principle of economics, the higher a person's income, the more expenses. and because of human nature there are greedy so that even though they are rich they will still look for more money. If you have more money than you need, then if you want to be happy, you have to be grateful, and like to give alms to those around us.
True happiness is more than just having money or making money, I have seen cases where people with money find themselves dealing with depression or lack one or two things. Yes there is no denying that money plays a very important role in our lives, and to some extent, it dies gives us some level of happiness but having money alone is not complete. The biggest mistake one can make is making money a source of happiness or the sole reason for you to be happy.
There is something we need to understand when we are talking about the word happiness . We must first of all understand that happiness have the capacity to stay longer or shorter and the only happiness that money brings to an individual is only the kind of happiness that stays shorter or exhaust within a short period of time . to be more elaborate money indeed can give happiness but when we are talking about true happiness then money cannot give that . There is no doubt that money can make us happy in the sense that we will be able to acquire any assets and property that we desire or like we are also happy when we have money because we will be able to purchase majority of our needs and want especially if we become rich and wealthy with money .

Moreover , the happiness that money brings can not last long but rather have a relationship with God is the only way to true happiness . majority of people today think that making money is the only thing in life and so they make money by all means even having to kill their own fellow men and women so as to make money but the truth is that they do not become truly happy as they intended to .
Just so you know, money can't buy anything that's not tangible, physical or something that can seen as work in progress like the act of rendering services to people. Money can actually buy books but not intelligence, food but not appetite, it can buy you drugs and bodyguards but not immortality and in the same vein, money can buy luxurious clothing, houses, cars, fame but not happiness. Anything that can be felt or something within, I don't think money can actually get such an item.
For an example, there's this popular actor in my country that got really sick to the point that it was very terminal. At that state, I am sure that he owns houses, cars and can afford good food and hospital but still, he wasn't happy and was almost at the point of death. It actually took him weeks to start recovering himself and right now, the doctors said that the condition was no longer terminal but still he's still ill, unhealthy and unhappy.
So you can't possibly buy happiness but you can do things that makes you happy which might have nothing to do with money or material things.
people ask this particular question that can money buy happiness....yes money can buy happiness because they are some things which you can do with money...some time it not your joy to become broke let talk about woman,many women today rejected men today because he is not rich why can't you accept him and build up with him and be okay and Rich but you will just be running after men who are rich ....

There are many things which we want to used money to do but sometimes that money will not be available at that time and when that money come even you self you will be happy because you will be able to do what you want to do with money..there is even a saying that money stop nonsense yes it true money stop nonsense because if you don't have money people Will not respect you they Will take you as nobody but when you have money people Will respect you they Will even take you as a somebody sometimes even people WHO you are younger than them they Will even call you and take you as their senior all because of money so money can buy happiness ......
Can money really buy happiness? This is a question that has been debated by philosophers, economists, and psychologists for centuries. There is no easy answer, but there are some important factors to consider.

One important factor to consider is what you spend your money on. If you spend your money on experiences and things that make you happy, then it is more likely that money will indeed buy happiness. However, if you spend your money on things that you think will make you happy but don’t, then it is less likely that money will buy happiness.

Another important factor to consider is how you compare yourself to others. If you compare yourself to others who have more money than you, you are likely to be less happy. However, if you compare yourself to others who have less money than you, you are likely to be more happy.

A final important factor to consider is how you use your money to help others. If you use your money to help others, you are likely to find more happiness than if you simply spend it on yourself.

So, can money really buy happiness? It depends. If you spend your money wisely and use it to help others, then the answer is yes. However, if you spend your money foolishly or only on yourself, then the answer is no.
I just want to ask if they sell happiness somewhere? If happiness is been sold then money can also buy happiness. Money brings in happiness because most of life matters are all about lack of money. There is a local saying in my country that "he who has maize might has fowls too" because fowls are feed by maize.
This means he who has money also has friends and in this life, getting people closer to you is a source of happiness.

One may say rich people usually fall sick or normally get into hard conditions. Yes! You are right but poor people also fall sick and get into same situations. OK I'm asking between poor people and rich people which of them get happiness! Most of us will say rich people get more happier than poor people which is true. Money is indeed great which can bring in unity among people and family and if money can bring in unity then why can this same money bring in happiness? To me if you ask me whether money can buy happiness I will say yes because if happiness is been sold then money can also buy it but if not then money can't.
Show me where happiness is being sold in the supermarket and I will show you a number of people who would save up money to buy it. Happiness is just an abstraction that can only be felt and not practically bought. Money is the source of my happiness because I can do whatever I need with ease and not having to live under the mercies of anyone. There are times when I am being threatened by my relatives about not taking up or paying my fees and the truth is because the financial capacity is not available to me. For instance, if money was not my problem, there would be no need to bother abut such thing.

Invariably, money does so many things and one which includes happiness. It is better to have money than to remain in penury. Some people like bringing up a baseless topic that if money buys happiness, why then are rich people not happy and I turn around to ask them, is there anyone rich or poor who do not face challenges or unhappiness or challenges at one point of their life or the other? Happiness does not depend whether you are rich or poor it only depends on your mindset.
This question is relative to any individual that wants to answer the question. Happiness is from within. It is not a function of what we see, but a function of what we can conceived. There are some people without money and they are not happy while we have poor people too that are not happy for being poor. I for instance, won't be happy and I am not always happy any time I broke.

Happiness like I said it is a function of individual. There are many things that make some people happy. The problem is that most people do associate their happiness to money. In the right sense, happiness may come from many sources. There are some people that always make education their priorities. They don't care about the money but the education. They read, yearn for knowledge but less concern whether they have the money or not.

But the fact is that money brings happiness. There is nobody that we have money that won't be happy. Alert if money can make us laugh even when we are at a burial ceremony. The fact is that we should try to make the money before we should be concerned whether it can bring happiness or not.
Yes, I definitely agree that money can buy happiness. I am not trying to overrate the impact of having money but truth be told, money rules the world and money, it brings power and Influence. Even a poor man would not want to associate with another poor man but he will be looking for a way to connect with a rich person this shows how important money can be in the life of each individual.

For me, money makes me happy and when I am able to make money, there is this feeling of added value for myself. Without money, you cannot even afford the basic necessities of life which includes; food, shelter and clothing and with this, it brings unhappiness but when there is money all this would be done at ease. Few years ago, a coursemate of mine had to defer his studies due to inability to pay his fees and I was not in a financial buoyant situation to help. I felt so bad for that circumstance and if the money was available then there will be no need to defer his admission in the first place. This posit that money brings us a lot of happiness even more than we know.