Can some ways of making money be classified as been easy or are they all classified as been hard?


Deleted member 28873

making money can be classified as been easy by some people while some do classify it to be difficult and undergo rigorous struggle, but either way still requires some one been hardworking and been dedicated. To most people knowledge easy way of making money is by using your talent to make money there you would be working and having fun at the same time while most people also refer it has using skills to earn that doesn't involve making use of your physical strength.mostly work that involve use of your brain.Difficult means of making money could be classified as work that involve you making use of your raw strength for example those people digging well.I would like to learn from your ideas


Valued Contributor
There is never an easy way to make money, either online or offline. All legit means of making money require one to pay the price of hard work. No single way of making money that could be said to be easy. They all require us to spend time and other resources. If you see any easy way of making money, be rest assured that it is a scam and would definitely not stand the test of time.