Earn Money Can You Become Rich and Famous By Working Online


VIP Contributor
I always wanted to be rich and famous. When people asked me what I want to be in my life, I always said I want to be rich and famous. I cannot call myself rich but I think I am kind of famous, I have 100,000 followers in facebook and over 40,000 followers on Instagram. People pay me to promote their products and services, which gives me an advantage to become rich. I believe I can become rich but it will take time.

Do you think you can become rich and famous by working online?

Definition of rich differs person to person but for me having your own house, a car, a bank balance, stakes in various companies, and financially capable to go on a vacation in Greece is rich. I believe I can become rich working online.
What I know is the moment you become rich, you will also be famous. But there are a lot of world rich men who have become rich and famous on the internet. Do you know the owner of Facebook?
Do you know the two men who created Google? Not even talking about YouTube, WhatsApp and other social media s