Causes of gum pain


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1. When you brush your mouth roughly it can damage the gum most especially when the brush you are using is has a very hard bristles so it is advisable to always use brush that have a soft bristles and also avoid too much rough brushy
2. Another reason for gum pain could be that you don't brush very well which can lead to gum disease a symptom of swollen, red and bleeding gum but this disease can be stopped by doing proper oral hygiene like brushing teeth for at least twice in a day this kind of disease are mostly called gingivitis
3. Smoking can also cause gum pain so avoid smoking again so as to prevent you from having any gum pain.


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Taking too much candies, sweet's can also cause gum pain.useing hard brush can also cause gum Pain.brushing the part in the mouth where there is no teeth can cause gum pain.because when you do it gets swollen and red,then it starts aching. smoking causes gum pain. And also cause dirt's In the teeth


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Too much of brushing mostly cause gum pain and bleeding due to hard brush or rough brushing so we should always brush our mouth with care


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Smoking and drinking alcohol also damages the gum as it doesn't have any benefit that it does to the body than danger


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If we are not careful on how we brush our teeth it can lead to injuries when brush carelessly which leads to gum pain


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When you use brush that are too hard to brush teeth it causes gum pains and dangers to the teeth


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Gum pain can also be caused by bad brush that is why it is always advisable to change our brush every 3 months to avoid implications