Causes of headache and remedies


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If we look at a range of home and natural remedy for headaches you can try many of these remedies right away and some of them may help to prevent headaches in the future,

We we have different types of remedies we have ginger tyme we have cinamo and we also have basic stretches

Ginger can help you to relieve headache since it stimulates digestion

Tyme time to relieve headache pain rub gently on your health then sit quietly for several hours then later you can wash it away
Basic stretches exercise stretch your head and neck and help with the intensity of the headache move your chin up was and downwards left and right can also try to slowly rotate the neck to reduce the pain
Headache can be caused by too much of stress so if you try to get enough rest it might get rid of the headache
Headache is caused due to not sleeping well and doing stressful work.when you don't sleep well it affects the brain and when you stress the brain it can cause serious headache so try getting enough sleep for at least 8-10 hours to prevent the risk of having headache and other disease.if you have headache you can take paractamol and if it persist go for medical check-up the doctor Will know the drug to give you
Headache càn sometimes happen by lack of rest you just need rest to stop that headache and by taking alot of water
If you did not get enough sleep it can cause headache because our body system made us to rest for some time