Causes of neck pain


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1. Neck pain can be caused due to muscle strain and tension and this is usually due to the activities you did like sleeping with your neck in a bad posture or when you are working in a desk for a long period of time without changing the position that you are, it can also be due poor posture and jerking of neck when doing exercise.
2. It can be due to an injury in the neck like when you get injured during sport, car accident or when you fall down
3. Neck pain can be caused by heart attack because heart attack causes shortness of breath, vomiting, sweating and neck pain
4. It can be caused due to meningitis because meningitis causes stiff neck
When we don't position our neck the right way most especially when sleeping It causes pain in the neck
Neck pain can be caused by an injury due to an accident or cuts
Meningtitis do cause neck pain because of how the disease stiff the neck which makes the next not to be in a proper posture
When you don't sleep the right way it can cause cause neck pain such that when you cross the neck for too long in a position it can cause neck pain.also don't use pillow while sleeping because when you use it the neck Will be higher than the body which can cause neck pain.