Causes of pow sperm infection

  • Thread starter Deleted member 27180
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Deleted member 27180

If a man suffers from asthenospermia, not only will it affect the health of the man, it can also harm male fertility, therefore becoming a weight on the man's mind, leading to psychological disorder. The pathogenic factors includes the following three
1 Seminal liquefaction abnormality; If the seminal plasma have abnormal liquefaction, elongated fibrin can be seen woven into each other so that the activity spaces of the sperm is refunded. This activity is limited or restrained, resulting in mechanical limitations of sperm forward movement.
2 Inflammatory infections; Chronic inflammation if tye epididymis, seminal vesicles, prostatisis can in turn lead to decrease in motility if sperm, therefore resulting in sperm inability to penetrate female's egg.
3 Immunological factors; These includes anti-sperm antibiotics which can affect the fertilizing ability of the sperm in several ways leading to sperm motility disorders.
The quality of sperm is directly released to the success or failure of pregnancy. Antibiotics, diuretics and anti inflammatory pills are suggested as natural measures of cure.
All these things is even more dangerous than it is being explain here. that is why it is always advisable that we really take care of our health and we should always try to avoid anything that can lead to all these things. Most of these things can be caused by STD and it is rather advisable that we have abstained from anything that could lead to sexually transmitted infection.