Checklist for retraining workers in your workplace


VIP Contributor
As a 21 century Boss or employer you don't need to only train your workers you need to retrain them as well. There's need to always help your workers in updating their skills and talents for a better output.

So how do you go about retraining your staff. The checklist is below to help you do what you would have to do.

1. Start by listing the goals of the retraining, which is like defining the retraining objectives.

2 Prepare a retraining strategy. You need to find the right strategy that will work with the retraining and then go ahead to break down the retraining needs

3. Next is to find out how much it will costs you to have the retraining program for your staff. When you are sure you can make the payment then do the next.

4. Get your your employees informed: Let them know about the retraining program coming up.

5. Go ahead to hire an Instructor and review training material. Then you are set to have the retraining program for your staff.

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