Chickenfast cloud mining site


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Founded in 2015, ChickenFast is a popular cloud mining site that you can trust. ChickenFast uses AI to select the most profitable cloud mining tariff for you by using your desired deposit amount. For example, say you want to deposit $1,500, ChickenFast will immediately calculate your projected daily, monthly, and annual income, and how much power will be required for your plan.

ChickenFast also guarantees the return of your initial deposit and ensures that you'll be paid every day without delay. You can mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash using ChickenFast, and there are three premium tariffs you can choose from: Silver, Gold, and Platinum. Be mindful that the minimum deposit amount for one of these is $1,000, which will qualify you for the Silver plan. If these aren't for you, you can deposit as little as $250.

You also don't need to worry if you run into any issues when you use ChickenFast, as 24/7 customer support is available. The company also has a focus on eco-friendly mining, which is pretty great, considering the environmental effect that crypto mining has.
If I can get the minimum amount of deposit right now, I will invest in something good like buying some good and promising coins. I will also invest in forex trading. None of these mining sites are worth investing in. They can offer you millions of returns for your investment but they will run away with your money. But I can give this a benefit of the doubt cos it has been in existence since 2015 according to your post. Still, it is not a sure sign that I can invest in it. Can you share some more evidence of payment proofs?