Companies duties and roles to its employees.


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A company or business organisation has serious and various responsibilities that it owes to its employees and workers. Obviously employees and workers in the company of business organisation are placed with the responsibilities and duties of carrying out business and company activities and practices pertaining to goals and objectives achievement. In turn the business organisation or company owes responsibilities and duties to employees and workers and some of them include:

MONTHLY OR YEARLY COMPENSATIONS: one of the major duty and responsibility that the business organisation or company have towards its employees and workers is to compensate them for the good and benevolent activities and practices that they perform in order to see that the company or organisations goals and objectives are being achieved.

PROTECTION: within the vicinity of the company or business organisation. An employee or worker stands to be protected by the company. However, the business environment can ensure employees and workers protection by mounting bodyguards and CCTV cameras, to get evidence as well as an employee's whereabout.

GRANTING PLEAS AND PERMISSION: since the employee and workers of a business organisation or company are in subjected to the company or business organisation. That simply means that the company or business organisation has the authority to Grant and also they meet employees to carry out certain personal or office responsibilities. For example if an employee plans to go on vacation or want to travel to some other place, the employee must first table the matter to his or her business manager. However the employees decision to travel or to not travel is actually decided by the business manager.
The main purpose of employees and workers in a business organisation is for the purpose of achieving business goals and objectives pertaining to the business growth and development. In as much as employees has such a duty to play in a business organisation or in a company, the company of business organisation also has duties in which it owes towards employees and workers. A business organisation all company has the duty to compensate all employees for the good works and for the good benefits attitude that they have carried out in the business.

The business organisation or company definitely has the duty of protecting employees as well as workers. Within the vicinity of the business organisation, the business manager and owners will have to protect their employees from any attack that may come from outside individuals and or unauthorised Invaders to the business organisation. Last of all, the business organisation or company has the duty of reprimanding as well as recruiting employees.