Cons of Self-Employment


VIP Contributor
Being self-employed means you work independently without being on a company's payroll. Self employment could involve freelancing(working for individuals and companies without a long term comitment and only on task based jobs) or starting your own business. While self-employment offers benefits, it comes with a lot of risks. One of the major risk is not getting enough job opportunities or not generating enough sales to bring you constant income. Therefore, it is really difficult to achieve financial stability if you are self employed. If you decide on self employment, you need to make careful consideration about the challenges you will be facing as a self employed individual.
In some countries self employed online workers are victims of government resume robbery, with the relatives and friends of top government employees falsely claiming to have their resume, savings. Additionally the liar government employees are also robbing the data of the online workers, and falsely claiming that their lazy greedy girlfriends who do not do computer work are doing the work, to get them lucrative government salaries at the expense of the online worker who is criminally defamed, treated worse than a slave.
Personally, the biggest con of self employment is you have to take responsibility for your life, you can't just sit on your ass and assume at the end of the month a salary is going to come in for you, in a way I can think of self employment is like being in a jungle whenever you're hungry you'll have to look for something to eat at that money instead of relying on government or your firm's pay out.

I still fancy self employment because you own your time and do whatever you want with it, no one to boss you around like a dweeb