Consequences of drug abuse


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Drug abuse is the use of illegal prescription over the counter drugs for which they are meant to be used or large amount

_Symptoms of drug addictions

-Changes in physical appearance
-Changes in behaviour and family and friends
-Being chronically late or not showing up for obligation or work responsibility
-Limit time spent on social activities due to substance use
-acting out of character
-Lack energy when performing on daily activities
-Become defensive when confronted with the abuse or substance use
-urges beyond control to use the drug and substances
-fail in the attempt to stop using the drug
-increases usage of the drug or substance to get the same effect or smaller dosages
-maintain a supply of the drug or substance
-spend the money on the drug even if if they don't have the money they can sell their house

Harmful effects of drug abuse
Drug and abuse are costly and very expensive especially when you are using it constantly
drug abuse can kill physically or mentally a person who is over drug and started driving can had an accident ,you also have increase of death through sucide drug abuse not only side effects but legal effect of arrested many job take a drug drug test before employing you if you test positive you may loose the chance of getting job.
Improper use of drug causes a lot of side effects to the health and it's mostly occurs with self-medication when they use the wrong drug or using overdose it is called drug abuse and this drug abuse leads to a lot of health issues like at problem kidney failure cancer diabetes high blood pressure and so many diseases so we should make sure that we take the particular drug were supposed to take and also know the quantity of drug to take so that you won't take overdose which can lead to health issues because drug abuse is dangerous for the health
The consequences of drug abuse on the quality of individuals are:
those who indulge in it are never thorough in what they do because they are no longer balanced mentally; they perform poorly in school, they fear and suspect other people, they make friends and family to avoid them because they can cause bodily harm to people without notice, they lie, cheat and steal (to get money to buy more drugs). In addition, there are also consequences of drug abuse to the society which includes: there would be an increase in health problems in the community, they get involved in crime and violence in the community leading to increase in the number of juveniles and adults in jail, many students who are addicts get expelled from school as a result of poor performance and bad behaviour, pregnant women who are drug addicts could have miscarriages or give birth to babies that are malformed. Drug abuse can be curtailed especially for teenagers if constant awareness is created on the consequences of abusing drugs, if parents and guardians perform their responsibilities by watching keenly their wards and the type of company they keep. It can also be curtailed by being practical about penalties for any defaulters.
People are not being told the dangerous side effects of drugs abuse anymore because in the modern society now it is believed that with the help of internet connection and Google people should be able to understand what drugs abuse is all about and how they can prevent it.

Some people really understand about drugs abuse is and the effect it has on the body but yet still they still preferred to engage in this dangerous act. well even if they do it is not really for me but the consequences will still fall upon them because it will destroy some people you have chosen to do so

Those people that are abusing drugs that are being ministered by trusted physician have to try as much as possible to make sure they follow the prescription of the doctor because taking more then what the doctor said might be some how dangerous depending on your body system.

For those that abused themself without hardsdrugs also have to be very careful on this because it is also very dangerous, this is even the worst because it can lead to depression and sometimes most people who engages in this are likely to commit suicide .
Drug addiction is not rampant here but I know there are still the addicts in almost every city and town. The real problem are the drug dealers that they are almost all over our country. When I was younger I was tasked to be a spy against drugs. My parents got mad because that would endanger not only myself but also of my family. Anyway, it is sad that some of my friends got hooked on drugs specifically cocaine. The made my best friend looked older then me when I am older by 7 years. His mannerism was to rub his nose from time to time. His mentality was lower and his arguments are always out of reality. The effect of cocaine is to make the user strong that he does not need rest or sleep. The side effect is the user loses weight and eventually he would be like skin and bones. That is a fact because that happened to my best friend.