Crypto vs paypal


VIP Contributor

Paypal have been for a while now, and crypto is trying to settle and gain viral acceptance. At the meantime, it seems that, some countries aren't wowing crypto integration with open arms. Their is still some doubts lingering in their heart.

Crypto payment option have really helped lots of people to receive their earnings made online to hit in their local bank accounts. Had it been that crypto wasn't in existence, majority of people working online wouldn't have been online to earn money. Crypto made it possible to earn money online for those majority coming from the lower tier countries.

Paypal have its own positive, by given it's users security over their treasury asset saved in their banking institution. And they also have the charge back option, meaning if a merchant isn't pleased with the work carried out by an employee or business client, he or she can issue a chargeback demand and paypal makes sure it is delivered. That provides unique user experience, and high trust rating around paypal.

Between crypto payment option and paypal payment option, which one do you prefer??
Between cryptocurrency payment and Paypal payment I see PayPal payments more better and safe this is because when you are paid with cryptocurrency, if you don't sell out your cryptocurrency you will not be able to use your money, or sometimes your cryptocurrency might depreciate before selling out. but once you are paid with PayPal you can start using your money immediately and it does not increase or decrease it unlike cryptocurrency.

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