

Verified member is an online marketplace where vendors come here to sell their online businesses. Here, business owners come and place their products so that people come and purchase. We don't need to purchase anything as we are here to share and make the sales to earn commission.

How to start here:

First, come to "" and you will see a blue sign up button as shown in the picture. Sign up as an affiliate marketer in the further and fill up your details.

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Now, choose a product which has high commission rate and then you need to get traffic to the product affiliate link that you will promote further. There are several categories for which you can choose products and make sales. Then, for traffic you can use social media sites like Pinterest or come to the forum sites where people are looking for products related to the niche that you are sharing. This is how you can gain traffic and can make sales.

This site is legit and will pay you commissions for the sale you make. Trustpilot has good reviews of this site and rating above 4.
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