Do I Have to Follow Back Everyone on my Social Media?


VIP Contributor
If you're wondering whether you "have" to follow people back on social media, the answer is usually no. But I would still encourage it. Here's why:

Unless you're in a situation where following everyone who follows you would be a security threat to your account or would be compromising your privacy (for example, if you're managing a celebrity account and don't want imposters, or if you're an activist and don't want to accidentally follow a government agent), I think there are some pretty solid reasons why following back on social media can be a good idea:

1. It makes the people who follow you happy.

2. It helps you grow your network. The more people who follow you, the better chance that someone who doesn't already follow you will see your content in their feed.

3. It shows that your account is still active, which can help with engagement and growth. Fewer people than usual are following inactive accounts these days.

4. It keeps things organized on your end, since all of the accounts that follow you will be in one place so that you can interact with them if you need to!

But let's say for whatever reason following everyone isn't something that works for your brand or goals right now, you can ignore.


New member
Each social media channel has follow limits, so it's a bad idea to follow back every single person who follows you, lest you run out of follow-backs. Twitter specifically states that every account can follow 5,000 other accounts total.


VIP Contributor
@itsyitsy92 You are right about this. never thought about the follow limits. Well! Now i see why most celebrities are so strict with the kind of people they follow or follow back. But one can be tepmpted to follow back everybody for the intention to get more fans or followers. This is actually harmful than its usefulness, because you might end up following those that won't add value to you and rather be a pain in your a*s, but how do you get to know those kind of people?

Just like i stated, before i follow you, i will vet your profile very welI. If you don't have meaningful and real pictures, you are not active, your personality is so odd, even if you are my neighbour, I won't follow you back. Just that sometimes i get my concience judge me sometimes for no reason, like "you are so snobbish, arrogant" why not accept this person. Things like this could get one follow the wrong people. Some will stop following you or ignore you if they don't like your vibe, that works too but feel it works badly. It's better you avoid what you know you dont want at the beginning.


Well not everyone has the same mindset as you though, you have a point though, when you follow back, it shows that your account is active and it's quit nice when someone you follow, follows you back. But personally I do not think it's a must 5o actually follow every single person that follows you back, I don't even think I would be able to do that, cause that spare time is not there. So I just try to follow the ones am able to.
Being I am on a few different social media sites, I notice that I will get follows from bots. If you don't know what bots are , they are computer generated followers that are just what they are. there is no person on the other end. I also make sure I stay away from the follow trains or follow for follows. If I want to follow someone on social media or have them follow me back, I want them to follow me for my content that I create not just a person taking up space .


New member
Just follow your heart , check their profile. If you interetsted in this person ,you could follow him/her back.