Do you Have to Write Professionally Everyday as a Freelancer?


VIP Contributor
As a freelancer, writing is your main skill. You need to write professionally to get the job done. But do you have to always write professionally? It depends on the client. Clients are different and they expect different things from your writing. For example, if you're building a product description page for a client who needs a copywriter, then yes, you have to write professionally. But if you're doing a simple website or blog post for someone who just wants someone to write about their company, then no, you don't have to write professionally always. However, if you are writing for random sites and not sticking to one, then yes, you should always write professionally. This is because most writers are paid per word, and it's in their interest to impress the client by making sure their content looks good.

But if you're writing for yourself or sharing your work with friends and family, then you don't need to worry about it too much. In fact, some people like to write in different styles for different purposes — such as using informal language when talking with friends but formal language when writing an article for a website or magazine.