Do you think another digital money can usurp cryptocurrency in the foreseeable future??


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Now is the era of Cryptocurrency, their is no doubt. Cryptocurrency is trending at the moment, at the mean time i see no integration of any digital currency that is totally different from what we've seen in Cryptocurrency that will usurp it at the moment. But never say never, with time the unrealistic might turn realistic one day. Their might be an awesome type of digital money that can usurp the current digital currency. Till then, the world can integrate it as the best form of online and offline means of payment. Let's just have glimpse of hope that in the next 50 years that can come into reality.

Do you agree with me that another different form of digital currency might come live and take over the current digital currency?? And become the world accepted go to payment method for online and offline??
Sincerely it will take a miracle for another digital form of money tousurp cryptocurrencies. First of all the market is oversaturated with cryptocurrencies and digital money. Then we have commodities stocks shares and bonds and what else do we need? Gold used to be the standard haven for world economics to hedge against the shortfall of their currencies but right now cryptocurrency has overtaken gold as the most talked-about digital form of money and in the nearest future we might have a serious issue of commodities being overlooked. It simply will be difficult for another form of digital money the takeover from cryptocurrencies but you never know what the future holds.
Presently , I don't see this happening because cryptocurrency has a lot of attractive features that will still make be to stick with it.
Infact , any new digital currency should structure it's self in such a way as to adopt the features of cryptocurrency , particularly it's volatility ,because this is the main reason why invest in cryptocurrency.

However , if there should be such digital currency in the near future , then it will have the properties that are wanting in present day cryptocurrency. Only when this measure is put in place can the new digital currency pose issues for cryptocurrency .