Does advertisement help to promote a school?


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Being an academia, I have worked with many schools and I have some questions in mind. Running a school I know is not all that easy, it requires a lot of hard work to maintain good population of the school.
Many school owners do not believe in advertising their schools whether on social media or through printing out flayers to the public. I have tried to even introduce some means of promoting the school to my bosses but they seem not to like those suggestions I normally bring to them. Then eventually I later for to know why the situation is like that.

The first thing I later discovered is that Advertisements does not promote a school, in fact, it might look like a waste of money at the long run. I later discovered that it is the standard of the school that matters a lot. If the school standard is high and very good, it will bring people to the school. When pupils are doing well in school, it is way of advertising the school to other parents to bring their children the such schools.

The key is to make sure the school have good standard with good teachers that are well paid.