Does everything I write about have to fit within the niche?


VIP Contributor
It doesn't have to.

You can write about anything you like, and the more niche-specific your writing is, the better it will be received by your audience. However, if you're writing for a specific niche, it's important that you understand what that niche is, and then write in a way that reflects that. There are many different types of niches out there, so it's not always easy to know where to start when trying to decide where to focus your efforts.

For example, if you want to write about parenting advice for moms and dads who are expecting their first child soon but aren't quite sure how they should go about it—that would be a perfect niche! And if you want to write about parenting advice for parents who already have kids but need some new ideas on how they can make their life easier once the kids get older… that would also be a great niche!

But while both of these niches might sound like they could work well together, they might actually be too similar; maybe one of them has already been covered by another author and just needs some fresh ideas or a bit more detail added in order for it to feel new again. If you try writing about both at the same time.

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