Does Excessive Eating Raise Heart Attack Risk Instantly?


VIP Contributor
I am a 29 year old young man and I have noticed that whenever I eat food in an excessive manner, my body feels discomfort. this is not something I have been experiencing now. In fact, I have been experiencing this thing for a really long time. Excessive eating is really unhealthy for you and it does not matter if you are old or young. It is equally bad for all kinds of people. However, now a new study by the American heart Association has also stated that excessive eating can raise your chancing of suffering from a heart attack instantly within the time period of a few hours after consuming the food in an excessive manner. This is quite alarming because there are many people who have the habit of binge eating. This is also a lesson for those who eat excessively. I have stopped eating excessive after discovering this study and I feel much better when I consume foods in a moderate manner.
I don't really know the scientific reason behind it is but I know that eating a large meal at a time can lead to acid reflux and other side effects in the body such as indigestion, in a situation like this it is always better for us to eat food that is just normal for our body system and not to force yourself to finish a particular fruit. And beside you should have given us the scientific explanation of how eating a large meal can cause heart problem because I am really interested to know, I need the scientific process of how this really work.
Though too much of everything is not good and can cause bad things of make the body uncomfortable.
When some body eat to much food then one will give body system a lot of work to do and for the food to get digested will became a lot of work for the body. So it is very bad to be eating to much it can endanger the body.
Can you post a link to that study? I am curious. I haven't heard about this. Overeating has some immediate risks but as far as I know, it is mostly risky for the digestive system - for example, it can overwhelm the gallbladder or the pancreas. Heart attack risk is more of a long-term risk.
I am a 29 year old young man and I have noticed that whenever I eat food in an excessive manner, my body feels discomfort. this is not something I have been experiencing now. In fact, I have been experiencing this thing for a really long time. Excessive eating is really unhealthy for you and it does not matter if you are old or young. It is equally bad for all kinds of people. However, now a new study by the American heart Association has also stated that excessive eating can raise your chancing of suffering from a heart attack instantly within the time period of a few hours after consuming the food in an excessive manner. This is quite alarming because there are many people who have the habit of binge eating. This is also a lesson for those who eat excessively. I have stopped eating excessive after discovering this study and I feel much better when I consume foods in a moderate manner.
I don't think eating too much causes heart attach but if it does you can always eat fruits because it helps the body a lot and also provide the body with essential nutrients and vitamins.also you can drink blood tonic it helps the body a lot