Does God have a name?


New member
Does God have a name if yes what is that name?
Why the question arises?
I found out that all around the world people call God with different names for example some calls him Lord why some calls in almighty. But are they really god's name? Let's take them one by one, firstly let's talk about the word Lord.
Lord is a title used for the master of the servants of a household, the master of a feudal manor , the male head of a household, a father or husband, the owner of a house, piece of land. It can also be used for one possessing similar mastery over others; any feudal superior generally; any nobleman or aristocrat; any chief, prince, or sovereign ruler; etc.
So lord is not a name,it is just a title that can be use for anybody with authority. Why then we will say that is God's name?
If God's name is not Lord,then what is his name? Before I tell you that,let talk about the second name people use to call God.