Does past failures of business owners in a similar business as yours means you will fail as well.


VIP Contributor
We are always advised and taughted either by our tutors , by our parents , and guardians never to judge our actions or intentions we intend to implement or apply with another person who tried the same actions on intention we are about to implement or apply but failed woefully . Same is applied to business , majority of business ideas made by the majority of individuals have been ditched and avoided as a result of knowing or hearing of a particular entrepreneur or business owner in the past who had tried such business idea but failed in the course of doing so .

If we believe in something and we are sure that that thing is going to work out depending on our accurate and correct research and studies on that particular thing , then nothing can stop us from implementing our intention and actions towards that thing . Same is applied to business , the past failures of individuals who have tried a particular business ideas in the past shouldn't mean that our own intention to implement that similar business idea will also fail , rather we should rather see these individuals past failures as a way to research more on that particular business idea trying to know and see what this past individuals who have tried that particular business idea did not do right and accurately that led to their failure .


VIP Contributor
I don't belive that at all. If some one fail in one business does not mean that another can not succeed in doing the same business so far there is a good strategy.
I know before one will start business one must have had something in mind to do because it will not sound well to start the business that one do not know much about.
Also many people start the business that they do not know and still refused to ask from the pleaa e who know more about the business.
To succeed in any business one need to plan very well and strategies in order not to fail.


Verified member
No, we have different palms and so is our orientation and mindset. The mindset is a very powerful asset which can either mend or mar. There is no one person which has a particular business to himself. When someone sets up a business, another person would follow either absolutely or input some creative ideas. The fact that a business owner failed in a particular business which you have passion or you hope to engage, does not in anyway imply that another person would fail.

There is no such yardstick in business that when one person tries a particular business and fails, that others would likely fail. Even with experiences, it is very possible for a business to decline. When once you start a business with that kind of pessimism, it means that there is bound to be chaos in the business. Even financing might not be a barrier to effective or sustainable business. When a business owner have creative ideas, with the available money for funding, it would be utilized even to his amazement. The most important thing is to make findings and also ask those business owners who had failed businesses what what went wrong and from the idea, you would be able to avoid those loopholes.


VIP Contributor
The point is that we are to learn from the experience of other people and it's not really compulsory that we have to put that into consideration to a point of not even thinking about the reason why the person was failing in the business.

If someone has established the type of business I am interested before in the past and the person was not succeeding , I have to really understand the reason why the person did not succeed and if I understand the reason , and I find out that is something I can be able to overcome , then what can stop me from establishing the business ?

But a situation in which the business was not succeeding because the business is not suitable for such a location, obviously I won't even make any attempt to start up such the business there because the location is the real important factors and here you can't really controls it.

I don't really follow the idea or what other people say but what I will try to do is that in every area of things I am interested to concentrate and I'll try as much as possible to carry out my own research. I will always arrive at a satisfactory answer.

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