Does transportation cost affect your salary


New member
Transportation :
Can be defined as the action of transporting of some one or something from one movement to another, either by vehicle or my legs or by the help of animals from one place to another.
What is salary:
a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a professional or white-collar worker.
Does transportation cost really affect your salary ,because a lot of people have quit a job because of the huge transportation cost ,have you done thar before i would really like to hear your opinion.
The first thing I always do whenever I want ti see employment is to make sure I get an apartment near my place of work. This will save unnecessary transportation fare. Even having access to vehicle doesn't remove the fact that salary will always be affected by the transportation cost. So the best way is to live close to where one works to save the transportation fare.
Yes of course transportation cost always affect my salary because I pay for taxi whenever I'm going to work. And I believe anyone paying for transport fair when going to work, it will always affect his salary because it's an additional expenses. So it's advisable for companies to have staff bus
When the lockdown was imposed here my wife who works in the bank was assigned to work from home. She has no transportation expenses that later on we realized the advantage. The cost of transportation is a big part of the daily expense of a working person especially if the place of work is quite far from where you live.
I've always been lucky to work with places close to my home. During the pandemic stay at home I got a job at a biscuit factory while I was already working with a toothpaste factory that is 20 mins from my house. I subtracted the transportation fee from the the new job salary and I saw it was the same with what I'm earning. I stayed back at the work close to my house for rest of my mind.

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