Does Trimming Your Hair Really Help Them Grow Faster?


Well, the answer is… maybe!
It's true that trimming your hair can help you grow faster if you do it regularly. But there are plenty of other factors involved in growing hair, so it's a bit more complicated than just trimming your hair. Let's take a look at what else is going on when you brush your hair:

The shape of your hair follicles affects how fast they grow. Hair follicles are tiny bumps on the scalp where new cells are produced by our body's stem cells. The size and shape of these cells determines how fast they will grow.

The amount of sun exposure you get affects how quickly your hair grows. A person who is exposed to sunlight has more stem cells than one who isn't, which means those stem cells will divide more frequently and produce more hair growth (if you're wondering why this matters, think about how many times a cell divides during its lifespan).

So yeah trimming your hair can help you grow faster, but there are other things that play into that as well!