Does Your Business Need An Attitude Adjustment


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First you need to: Change your attitude. I know you feel you have a good reason for feeling bad. However, instead of moaning and groaning about why me, ask yourself how you can turn the situation around. It's better than feeling sorry for yourself, and a lot more productive. You may not have all the answers you need immediately. It is important, though, that you are asking questions. Eventually you will ask the right questions, and move forward.
Second, it is very important that you believe that you have the power to change things. The one thing to take from the past is the experience of success. Like us, many people "have had it and lost it and have had it again". As we discuss in our book, "Who Makes It Happen We Do", we lost it for a while, but we got it back. As we state in our book and constantly to our students, "who makes it happen, you do!" You have to believe you can be successful, to be successful!
If you haven't had the experience of creating a business success or earning a lot of money; then you need to get a mental picture of a time when you made a wise choice or acted in a certain way. For example, having the suggestion you made at work implemented. Getting down to a weight goal you set for yourself. Winning a tournament or championship in a particular sport. Closing your eyes and getting a mental picture of yourself succeeding or a mental picture of yourself in a more positive time is a very popular technique.
Third, you need to work harder and smarter. As we have stated before, you are not going to be a millionaire overnight, unless you win the lottery; and we all know what your chances of that happening are. The surest way to make money is the old fashioned way, working for it. When you're starting a new business, expect to work harder for months, even several years. If you can, hire someone or buy a piece of equipment that saves you time.