Dopamine Fasting Will Turn Your Life Around


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Have you ever felt guilty for eating, even when you're not hungry?
Have you ever felt like a traitor for enjoying the taste of food, even though it's not going to make you feel any better? If so, then dopamine fasting might be for you.

Dopamine fasting is a type of diet that involves fasting from all food and drink for 7 days. It was first developed by Dr. Valter Longo in his study on aging, which found that this diet helped mice live longer and healthier lives than those who were fed normal diets.

The idea behind this diet is simple: your brain uses dopamine as fuel and if there isn't enough dopamine available to burn through, then the body will start to use other fuels such as glucose or fatty acids instead of using calories from food (which means you'll lose weight).

This isn't a diet designed to help you lose weight; instead, it's meant to give your body a break from eating so much and that means it's easy to stick with because there's no pressure to eat anything other than water during those seven days!