Drawbacks of too Many Targeted Keywords on Website Ranking (keyword stuffing)


VIP Contributor
The drawbacks of too many targeted keywords on a website ranking are that it can be hard to rank for all the keywords you want, especially if the other sites have a better presence.

More importantly, Google doesn't like it when you try to trick them into thinking your content is about something else. It's called "keyword stuffing," and it's bad for Google and your website traffic. When Google sees too many keywords in the body of your content, they'll penalize your page by dropping its ranking.

it makes it difficult for users to navigate through your site as they will not know which sections of your site contain relevant information. Second, it can lead to poor user experience as the user may click on an article or page hoping to find information related to their query and instead find irrelevant content that does not satisfy their needs.

The best way to avoid keyword stuffing is to keep it natural, use keywords in your content when they make sense and fit with what you're saying. If there's no way around using a keyword or phrase over and over again (like if it's part of your company name), then try to mix up the order in which you use those words.