Dropshipping Vs. Dropservicing


VIP Contributor
Dropshipping and dropservicing are similar concepts. While you see products with dropshipping, you sell services through dropservicing. When you dropship, you don’t manufacture or procure products to sell, likewise, when you dropservice, you don’t provide service, you just outsource the service provider to deliver the service.

When you are dropshipping, you sell from your store (either your own store or a third-party marketplace) and source your products from the marketplaces like Alibaba or Aliexpress. When you dropservice, you sell from your own website or any other freelance marketplace and outsource service providers from the freelance marketplace.

Between dropshipping and dropservicing, which is a better business model to make money online?

In order to become successful with dropshipping, you first need to build your business brand, your online store should have a reputation. People do not buy from unknown sellers and stores. In order to become successful with dropservicing, you need to establish your reputation as a service provider.

Most importantly, you should never tell them you are dropshipping or dropservicing.