Ensuring the safety of your money.


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Money is a very perishable assets and if not kept in the best possible place it could end up being lost to the hands of those who are an authorised to own it . A lot of people usually have the mindset of staying close to the money that is why they avoid saving their money in financial institutions or possibly open a mobile or banking account so that they can save up their money possibly for future occurrences and emergency circumstances instead then rather save their money in bottles , piggy banks , or on a saving box in their homes . And the result of this is totally nothing to smile about because most of the time they get robbed by thieves and because of that they get their money stolen . Our money totally deserves the security it needs and one of the best ways to provide the needed security for your monetary assets is by saving them in the right place and in the right strategy .

You can open a saving account on any local bank that you have in your country so that you can save your money satisfactorily and accumulate it either for future purposes or for emergency purposes or activities , and nowadays opening a saving account on any bank doesn't have to be so hard and uncomplicated because with only touching some buttons on your smartphone via an application or via a website you can get access to any online facility of any bank that we intend to create an account on , to successfully create an account so that we can save up our money and also give it the security it needs as well .


VIP Contributor
Money in there is an asset worthy to be kept safely and unreachable by unauthorised individuals . Some individuals are not so good in providing the safety that their money need and that is why from time to time they keep losing your money to unwanted individuals and unauthorised persons . Gone are the days where individuals will always save money underground or possibly put it in a bottle or saving box because we live in modernized and technology-based times where all we have to do is to create a bank account in any local bank existing in the country will live or reside .

We must be careful though , because not all banks some help provide the safety needed for our monetary asset so in order to find the right bank to create an account so as to successfully accumulate and save your money you must conduct your research and choose among the best . It is incredible to also know that the credit card has come in place so that we can avoid the extravagant act of spending money due to the credit card limit provided .


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I think I'm one person that don't joke with her money I hardly get free money so the little I get from working I guard it jealousy. That's why I hardly fall for scammers but I don't easily part with my money.

I have my saving account that I put almost all my money there. it is always of essence to safe guard your money as no body will do it for you then

I try to accumulate my money because I know I will need it now or in the future purposes or for even emergency purposes. So it doesn't make sense to throw your money around. You can save it for the rainy day.