Excess weight?


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When you have excess weight it's not too good for the body because when you are too far there will not be space in the body and also digestion won't be easy.to avoid been too fat one has to avoid excess junks because eating or consuming junks is not good for the body.also one should try to always eat enough fruits because it boost the immune system and also supply the body with essential nutrients and vitamins.also one should do a lot of exercise because they help to build the body and also give the body enough energy.so always prevent what can cause excess fats in the body and also always try going for medical check-up to know the body State and condition.
There is always needs for us to check our weight by watching what we eat. We need to make sure we eat just the exact portion that our body needs. Most people always involve themselves eating junks and never watch what they eat. This will soon lead to excess weight which is very bad for the body. For some one that has already had excess weight, we can watch it by trying to do some exercise and refrain from taking some foods and drinks.
When you have excess weight it's not too good for the body because when you are too far there will not be space in the body and also digestion won't be easy.to avoid been too fat one has to avoid excess junks because eating or consuming junks is not good for the body.also one should try to always eat enough fruits because it boost the immune system and also supply the body with essential nutrients and vitamins.also one should do a lot of exercise because they help to build the body and also give the body enough energy.so always prevent what can cause excess fats in the body and also always try going for medical check-up to know the body State and condition.
Hi Kola. Your post is very interesting because nowadays people and especially women want to be fit and healthy. I totally agree with you that
excess weight is not good for the body. So it is important to eat healthy food like fruit and vegetables which are a very good source of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, we must exercise daily in order to keep in good shape. Even simple walking can be very helpful for us if we have no time to go to the gym. In conclusion, a healthy and balanced diet in combination with regular exercise can help us be fit and healthy.
Eating too much of junk food and sweeteners can make you had weight, we can be doing exercise or go to gym to reduce weight and keep fit,avoid too much of foods so that you won't turn to obesity, you can be drinking natural lemon fruits in the morning to reduce weight
Well, being overweight can be a big hindrance to your life.
It is best to stop your daily lifestyle and snacks.
You also need to exercise moderately, right?