Extend your retirement deadline


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Extend your retirement deadline if possible. doing such a decision if possible may come with a lot of benefits.
the fellowing are the benefits of extending your retirement Year, months, or date.

Budgeting and saving: by extending your retirement, you will have more time to perform more saving, and you will be able to reach your budgeting and goals.

Improved Social Security benefits: Social Security benefits increase the longer you delay taking them. For example, if you delay taking Social Security benefits until age 70, your benefits will be approximately 76% higher than if you had started taking them at age 62.

Better health: Working longer can help keep you active and engaged, which can lead to better physical and mental health.

Sense of purpose: For many people, work provides a sense of purpose and identity. Continuing to work can help you stay connected to colleagues and provide structure to your day.

Opportunity to pursue passions: Extending retirement can give you the chance to pursue other interests or passions that you may not have had time for while working full-time.