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Free data news platform shortly known as FDN is a platform where you can read news and earn data per news read which the data earned will be paid/sent to you when you make a withdrawal request.
Free data news FDN is one of the best websites for instantaneous and legit news update. News in Nigeria is updated the there every minute.
Intially, to join the platform a registration fee of N500 naira was required. The registration fee later skyrocket to N1000. But now the owner of the website has declared it free. That is to say that registration on free data news is hitch free now, no money is required to register as it was the case before.
To register, click on the link, After clicking on that link a registration form will pop up where you will be required to fill your information like username, email address, phone number, state, date of birth and password. After filling out those information click on register and accept the terms and conditions of the site.
Your account will be approved, you start reading latest news update by clicking on the menu and click on home button.
News will pop-up as well as the time it was posted

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