Habits to avoid when making money


Valued Contributor
There are a galore of habits and disposition that people whose aim is making money should avoid. I'll be sharing some of them from my perspective in this thread. I would love to also hear what you will have to add.

✓ Laziness: this is a very terrible attitude for anyone that wants to really make money. Laziness stops you from doing the needful and taking full advantage of opportunities thus keeping you from making as much as you can or should make.

✓ Procastination: this is the habit of failing to do things when you have the opportunity. You keep on pushing them to a later time and eventually you miss it or you fail to do it. When making money and displaying this character, you will face much struggle.

✓ Poor researching: as a money maker, you must be able to research about things and opportunities that are existing and open to you. This will help you take advantage of any opportunity that may come up and help you make much money.