Home remedies for sore throat


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you can treat most sore throat at home
Get plenty of rest to give your immune system a chance to fight infection.
To relieve the pain of a sore throat
Gargle with a mixture of warm water and 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of salt
Drink warm liquid that feel soothing to the throat, such as hot tea with honey, soup broth, or warm water with lemon. Herbal teas are especially soothing to a sore throat
Cool your throat by eating a cold treat like popsicle or ice cream
Rest your voice until your throat feels better
Turn on a cool mist humidifier to add moisture to the air
Suck on a piece of hard candy or a lozenge.
Which other method do you think we can use to treat sore throat
When will the first thing you can do is to prepare yourself a fruit juice with the use of electric blender. You can get fruits like lemon orange garlic and ginger drink them together to form a paste and drink it early in the morning. I got to know about this home remedy from a friend who happens to be a doctor.
Lolz, this is exactly the truth and that is what I have been doing if I have sore throat and this has been helping a lot. This can only be done if we have flu or some simple symptom of sore throat but a situation in which the symptoms continue for a long time I think it is better that we see a doctor so that they can diagnose what is the reason for it persistent.
Yeap, thanks for this piece of information, I have tried the use of warm water several times and each time I tried it, I am always relieved and it is not costly to get. In addition to jot water, you can also try small antibiotics like cough tablets and syrups, they help a lot too.
Thanks a million for this. Ignorance is surely a disease. I grew up with my parent in the rural area and whenever we have sore throat, it is believed that we spit on the floor and someone has stepped on the sputum. To cure it, we need to go to dilapidated mud wall and open our mouth there for some minutes.
I have a brother who is very fast in home remedy for different kind of ailment. He was the one who told me that's taking lemon when you are having some truth we get rid of it within a short period of time. He also recommended that we take honey together with hot water to fight cold and flu.
I like the method of the salt option because we can really get it at home and a Friend of mine has also tried the method and it really works for her
Yes, thank you for this piece of advice; I've tried using warm water several times and each time I've done so, I've felt comforted, and it's not expensive to obtain. You can also try tiny antibiotics like cough tablets and syrups in addition to drinking water; they are very effective.
Ginger and hot water is also good for sore throat it will help to clear anything disturbing the throat
You can cure sore throat by blending ginger and drinking it when you do that it helps to stop sore throat.the throat will be clear,also you can drink honey and make sure you drink natural honey it's good for sore throat.also you can cure sore throat by guggling hot water and salt.
Drinking lemon mixed with hot water it is very effective for any throat issue
The best way to cure sore throat that I personally have tried before is the use of ginger with hot water it is very effective