Home remedies to deal with sore throat.


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A sore throat disease or infection refers to constant irritation and itching of the throat which could sometimes be worse when you are engaging in the activity of eating or drinking liquid like water and juice . when an individual have a sore throat problem it becomes uncomfortable for him to use his mouth to talk to eat or to drink . Knowing how painful and uncomfortable a sore throat is , someone might begin to think what are the home remedies to alleviate a sore throat irritation or issue .Doctors and health analyst have recommended the use of salt water to alleviate throat related issues like sore throat . So try drinking a salt water solution when you have a sore throat problem it will help to reduce swelling and redness of the truth there by killing bacteria and fungi that are making the truth skin itching and uncomfortable when you eat or drink .

Another way to alleviate a throat issue like sore throat is by using the home spice garlic . Garlic is an antibacterial continentant because it contains sulphur and other organic minerals responsible for the fighting of infections and body disease . Although it has an offensive and pungent smell . Yet studies and researches have shown it is best home remedy to sore throat and other throat related issues . So when next you are cooking a meal adding one or two garlic bulb into your meal can go a long way to prevent or alleviate throat related issues like sore throat .
The best home remedies for sore throat are those you can make with items likely already in your home. Forget the over-the-counter medicine that is expensive and may not even work—these simple solutions can be used to treat a sore throat naturally, without the need to spend money on harsh cough suppressants or other medicines.

Drink Hot Liquids

If you have a sore throat, it's important to stay hydrated. Warm liquids help soothe the throat, as well as thin out mucus so it's easier to swallow. Try sipping on tea, warm water with honey, or chicken soup.

Eat Popsicles

Popsicles are a great way to cool down your mouth while also soothing your throat. If possible, try popsicles that are made from natural ingredients like fruit juice. Stick with popsicles that are low in sugar because too much sugar can actually make your throat worse.

Gargle With Salt Water

Mixing salt into some warm water can create a solution that will relieve your sore throat pain and kill bacteria at the same time. You should gargle about four times a day for two minutes each time. If you are hypertensive, please stay away from this method, it will help your sour throat but spike your Blood pressure.