How can I get writers to guest post for me?


VIP Contributor
If you're a blogger, writer, or content creator, what do you do when you want to write something but don't have the time? Or maybe you've got a big post planned and need help with the research? Or maybe you just want someone else to take the lead on a project that's too big for you to tackle on your own.

That's where guest posts come in! Guest posts are pieces written by other people, usually bloggers or writers, who want to promote their work. You can guest post for anyone. whether it's an established site or someone new with an idea for something new and cool.

There are three steps to getting an article published:
1. Find someone who needs your help

2. Make sure they know about your offer.

3. Get them on board!

The first step is easy: just look around online. There are tons of bloggers out there who are looking for articles every day. you just need to know where to look! The second step will be harder: convince them why they should publish your work.
The Third Offer them something in exchange for the content they write (like a free coupon or discount code). The Fifth step Ask them if they'd like to receive more exposure than they currently do. If they say yes, then offer them some sort of partnership or sponsorship.

And Finally Offer them money. This is actually illegal if you're paying someone who's not an employee, but it's so tempting that it might work out just fine!