How can I make good friends


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How can I make good friends

IT’S been said that little children need playmates, whereas adolescents need friends.
What’s the difference?
A playmate is someone who keeps you company.
A friend is someone who also shares your values

As you progress toward adulthood, you need friends who:
1. Have admirable qualities
2. Live by praiseworthy standards
3. Have a positive influence on You Question:
How can you find friends who fit that profile? Let’s examine one factor at a time

Friendship Factor #1—Admirable Qualities

What you should know.
Not everyone who claims to be a friend has what it takes to live up to the label. “there exist companions disposed to break one another to pieces.That might sound extreme. But consider: Have you ever had a “friend” who took advantage of you? What about one who talked behind your back or spread false rumors about you? Such an experience can shatter your trust. Always remember that when it comes to friends, quality is more important than quantity!
What you can do.
Choose as friends those who have qualities that are worthy of imitation

Friendship Factor #2—Praiseworthy Standard
what you should know.
The more desperate you are for friends, the more likely you will be to settle for the wrong kind.those who turn their back on sound reasoning and instead follow a morally insensible course. That’s the kind of friends you can do without!

What you can do.
Instead of making friends with just anyone, be discriminating.No, that’s not to say you should be prejudiced. In this context, being discriminating means that you’re perceptive enough to “see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.”

Friendship Factor #3—Positive Influence
What you should know.
We all aware that Bad companions ruin good character.”
What you can do.
Cut off ties with those who insist that you change to conform to their lifestyle. If you take this step, you may have fewer friends; but you’ll feel better about yourself, and you’ll open the door to better friendships—the kind that will influence you in a positive way.
Live by upright standards, and others who are striving to do the same will be more likely to find you. They will make the best kind of friends.