How can you enjoy chocolate without ruining your diet?


What if I informed you that you can consume chocolate each day and still lose weight? You may think this is impossible, but if you know how to make healthy choices and stick to them, it is!

How can you enjoy chocolate without ruining your diet? You need to know the calories per serving of different types of chocolate. For example, a serving size for milk chocolate is 20 grams, which contains about 100 calories. On the other hand, dark chocolate has less sugar and contains half the amount at only 50 calories per serving. Dark chocolate also has more antioxidants than milk chocolate so it's better for you in terms of health benefits too!

Now that we've established how much is a healthy amount to consume daily (about 25 grams or less), let's talk about how make smart choices with our favorite treats. One way would be by buying dark chocolates instead of milk ones because they contain less sugar per serving and are better for your body overall. Another option would be eating only five small squares instead of 11 larger ones; this way you can still enjoy the taste while keeping within a reasonable caloric intake threshold.