How to enjoy repetitive jobs


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it can never be easy doing the same job day in and out. The funny part of it, might just be that there's nothing interesting about the job but you must do it every 24 hours which is daily.

The only way out is for you to add the fun yourself if you value your job and still want to keep it for a long time.

So how can you go about this.

Start with making a checklist of what you have to dom Then examine your workload. you need to accomplish in a day then split it.

Next, is to always modify the order of tasks all the time. This is about you switching things up daily. Start and end activities differently daily.

Then always try to improve your working environment. Then it sometimes look different and don't forget to always take the good old breaks.. This is to avoid getting tired easily.

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When you're stuck on a repetitive job, it can be hard to enjoy it. But there are ways to carve out a little bit of time for yourself.

First, make sure you have fun. If you don't have time to play games or catch up on your favorite shows, then maybe that's not what you're supposed to be doing in the first place.

Second, make sure you're getting paid! When you do something tedious over and over again, it can feel like drudgery. But when you get paid for it, that changes everything!

Third, remember the power of small breaks. If you take 5 minutes to walk around at lunch and clear your head or if you take 5 minutes to stretch every hour or two. you'll feel like a new person by the end of your shift.