How difficult is building a business from the scratch!!


Active member
Building a business from scratch requires a strong foundation. If you don't have it, you can't build a solid business plan.

For every startup entrepreneur, there is no shortcut to success. It's one of those gifts that most successful entrepreneurs don't take lightly, and they are far from taking it lightly, if they can help it. A business starts from a very tiny seed, and if that seed does not get nurtured and grown, it will only be a single moment of incredible strength, and no longer exist.

It is said that for every million dollars that a startup makes, it takes ten years to be able to make ten million dollars. It is said that for every small client that your startup gets, it takes years to get to the point where you can feel comfortable with a million clients. These statements are pretty much applicable to every business owner, and even to a large startup.

Starting a new company is not as easy as people think, and in most cases, it is much more difficult. It takes a lot of hard work to be able to pull it off. Businesses require a strong foundation to be able to survive the startup phase, and continue to grow and expand, because any startup takes years to be able to turn into a fully-fledged business.

For most startups, it is difficult enough to start up, let alone keep it going. The reasons for this is that many entrepreneurs fail in the very beginning, while trying to build a business from scratch. The very first month can be very discouraging, to say the least. Things are not always easy, and in most cases, it can be easier to start a business from scratch than it is to keep a business going.


VIP Contributor
Honestly it is not easy to build a business from scratch. You need a lot of dedication and discipline to make that work. Like I always told people, whenever you want to venture into any business make a lot of research and also know the kind of business you want to venture into and what it takes to survive in such business. A lot of people go into business without having proper idea of the kind of business they have entered into, this is wrong. Actually growing a business requires a lot of discipline and knowledge.


VIP Contributor
No one can ascertain how difficult a business is from the scratch. It will be difficult if there is no ready made resources. But if there is everything we want readily available, the difficulty will be eased. Besides, the right workers are also needed to make it easier to build a business from the scratch. If all those things are available, it is easy.


VIP Contributor
What I understand with scratch is that you have nothing in your pocket except your hand that is scratching your groin. How can you start a business when you have no money for the capital? Sometimes it makes me wonder why some members here are posting of silly topics that are not realistic. It is as if they post just for the sake of posting. Pardon me for this comment, I am just being honest.


Verified member
When building a business from scratch it requires lot of work and much idea first of all you need a good business plan because this is what will guide your business, you also need a good environment that will suit your business idea. You will need to get a good marketer to help promote your business


VIP Contributor
If you have a great idea, if you have a great team, and if you have enough funds, building a business is not very difficult. However, if one of these three things are missing, it is extremely difficult to build a business. There are also other requirements, but these three are the main pillars.


VIP Contributor
Starting a business from scratch mighty not be that difficult if you have a huge amount of capital to start. Since management and a lack of capital is one of the biggest problems when it comes to starting business, many people fail to actually build business and fail to make it successful, unfortunately.

Deleted member 28127

Starting a business from scratch mighty not be that difficult if you have a huge amount of capital to start. Since management and a lack of capital is one of the biggest problems when it comes to starting business, many people fail to actually build business and fail to make it successful, unfortunately.
This is not also a problem even you have a small budget because many having a huge amount of capital to start however their products aren't successful. In another term, the quantity of money you have cannot be much but not lesser than a certain limit to start but money management is essential because with a little thinking you can build up your business step by step. You can get the help of friends how have started this business before to build up your business with lesser expenses. Advertise your product doesn't mean you bring live sales.


Valued Contributor
Starting a business from scratch truly comes with so many challenges. A business person should be well equipped with information, skills, capital and all the resources needed to conquer these challenges. That is why not just everyone can start a business and succeed. Those who do, really know what they are doing.