How Disgraceful is Lice when Found in the Hair.


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Head lice and body lice cause itching, and some times skin I factions and swollen lymph nodes.
To avoid lice, take great care with personal cleanliness . put cots, pillows, and bedding in the sun every day. Bathe and wash hair often. Check children's hair. If they have lice , treat them at once. Do not let a child with lice sleep with others.

- Wash the hair well. Apply permethrin lotion. Permethrin also works well for all kinds of lice and is safer than gamma benzene hexachloride (lindane).

Without adding any water , apply the liquid to dry hair until it is completely wet.
(Do not use on eyebrow or eyelashes.) Wait 10 minutes, no longer. 'Wash the hair with warm water and soap or shampoo.
Repeat in 1 week. Change clothing and bedding after treatment.

- To get rid of nits ( lice eggs(, soak hair with hot vinegar water for half an hour, then comb it thoroughly with a fine- toothed comb.

How do you see the infection of Lice?
xD 😅. No one they will find such via his or her head that wouldn't feel shameful. That's why we need to stay away from dirtiness, and always wash our hair with treatments like the hair cream that is powerful and adding moisture to the hair. What you said too is ideal when it concerns treating the hair when Lice is found, by applying permethrin lotion. Which keeps our hair away from routing that attracts Lice. We should always stay clean, wash our hairs with treated water and with hair cream to avoid circumstances like that.