How do i get my adsense verification pin?


Verified member
I have started login for some time now and I must say that blogging is also a lucrative way to make money online recently I tried adding some advertisement companies to my blog and many bloggers suggested that I use Google adsense for they are the best when it comes to CPM and CPC rates I agreed since many people said that adsense pays higher than any other ad networks I decided to give it a try I registered an account and put up my website for adsense review three days later I got approved by Google adsense and was ready to start making money the ads displayed on my blog without any problem.

Now one thing that has been bothering me for some time is the fact that nobody has ever talked of adsense verification as access told me that I needed to get to the minimum of $10 before I could be able to request for verification of being which will be sent to me physically By Mail I was devastated as getting email office was a nightmare where I lived I started asking where I could get a postal office but nobody could refer me to any where some people referred me to somewhere that was even far from where I was living the problem now is that can I verify my AdSense another way or it is a must that I get the pin?