How Do You Get Good Recommendation Incase You Applying For a Job?


VIP Contributor
Getting great recommendations from your previous employers is one of the most valuable things you can do when you're looking for a new job. It shows that you were well-liked, respected, and hardworking by your previous boss.

It's important to have solid relationships with your former co-workers and managers if you want to get good recommendations, and in some cases, it might even be necessary in order to get a recommendation at all!

So how do you build those relationships? Here are some tips:

1. Treat everyone professionally. If there's something going on with your relationship with someone at work, talk to them about it before it becomes an issue and write down any agreements or resolutions so you can refer back to them later if needed.

2. Listen more than talk you may learn something new.

3. Be considerate of other people's time don't take up too much of theirs when they don't need as much help from you anymore because someone else has taken over that responsibility now or whatever reason there may be for why they're no longer working together anymore, just try being nice about it instead of being rude about it like other companies might do.

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