how does demand/supply effect saving money


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The term demand can be referred as the quantity of goods and services that the consumers are willing to buy or to purchase at a particular period of time. and this can be as a result of the population that's the masses, the amount of money the consumer and also affect the rate of demand

Like we all know the law of demand states that the higher the price the lower the quantity which will be demanded and also the lower the price the higher the quantity that will be demanded.
And also supply is the amount of goods and services the producers are able to manufacture or produce over a certain or particular period of time. and this can be as a result of the weather, policies set by the government, the technology level, and the cost of production.

And the law of supply states that the higher the price the higher the quantity

The question is how does this how connection to do with saving up money

when the supply is low the price will be high and days will tend to slow down the rate in which such goals can be demanded. where is because the consumers might not have the liquidity or money to afford such a good because of how expensive it is. and this can affect the seller of such goods and in turn they will not have enough money to save up which can lead to poor saving.