How does the Ringworm, Tinea( Fungus Infections) appear on the body?


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Fungus infections may appear on any part of the body, but occur most frequent on:
- the scalp (tinea)
  • the parts without hair ( ringworm)
  • between the toes or fingers ( athlete's foot)
  • between the kegs (jock itch).

Most fungus infections grow in the form if a ring. They often itch. Ringworm of the head can produce round, white patches with scales and loss of hair.
Fingernails infected with the fungus become rough and thick


- Soap and water . washing the infected part every day with soap and water may be all that is needed

- Do your best to keep the affected areas dry and exposed to the air or sunlight.
Change underwear or socks often, especially when sweaty.

- Use a cream of sulfur and lard ( 1part sulfur to 10 parts lard).

- Creams with salicylic or undercylenic acid help cure the fungus between the fingers, toes , and groin . Miconazole cream if available, us even more effective.

- For severe tinea if the scalp , or any fungus infection that is widespread or died not get better with the above treatments, take gruseofukvin. 1 gram a day for adults and half a gram a day for children.
It nay be necessary yo keep taking it for weeks it even months to completely control the infection

- Many tineas of the scalp clear up when a child reaches puberty ( 11 to 14 years old). Severe infections forming large swollen patches with pus should be treated with compresses of warm water.
It is important to pull out all of the hair from the infected part. Use griseofulvin, if possible.

What can you say to this and how can we treat this Infections?.