How effective is online video marketing?


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In the past few years, online video marketing has become a mainstay for many businesses. A quick look at your favorite news site will show that almost all of the videos are now video-driven. The rise in popularity is not surprising videos are more engaging than text and offer a way to build trust between a brand and their audience.

The effectiveness of online video marketing is measured in many different ways. The most common metric is monthly views, which is the number of times a video is viewed each month. This metric can be compared to other videos on your channel, and you can see how your videos stack up against other videos on YouTube.

Another popular metric is the number of views per play rate (VPR), which shows how many people watched a video for a given amount of time before they stopped watching it. This can help you understand whether viewers are engaged with your content, and whether they're sticking around to watch more than once.

Another metric that's important to consider is cost per view (CPA), which breaks down the amount spent on advertising per view by dividing total ad spend by total views. This helps you see if your ads are turning into sales or if they're just wasting money and if it's worth continuing spending money on them or not.
With the evolution of Tiktok and the popularity of short videos on Facebook, Instagram, and youtube, video marketing has been a very effective tool to market your products and services. The best part is you can use your marketing videos even to make additional money. For instance, you can not only market products and services on your video and generate sales but also earn from video monetization from the platform where you have published your video. However, in order to do video marketing you need extensive video creation skills, you not only should be technically able to create videos but also offer high quality content.